Editing member roles
How to edit member roles
Last updated
How to edit member roles
Last updated
You can more easily manage the members that are part of your quest chain, including adding or removing members and modifying the roles and permissions of current players.
Here is a guide on how to edit member's roles
To add a new member:
Step 1: Open and view the quest chain in member mode
Step 2: Click on the "Edit Members" button
Step 3: paste the member's address in the box ( Paste or write an ETH address...) provided and click the "βοΈ" button
Step 4: Click on "select role" and select the role you want to assign to the address
Step 5: Click on "save" to confirm the transaction in your wallet
To Edit member role: (still viewing on member mode...)
Step 1: Click on the "Edit Members" button
Step 2: Select the member's address you want to modify the role
Step 3: Click on "Save" to confirm the transaction in your wallet